really funny
hilarious, just needs to be longer...
really funny
hilarious, just needs to be longer...
I found that shit quite funny. you fuckin bastard.
lol that voice sounded just like Nathan Explosion on that show metalocalypse
you died twice
lol I love this video I've seen it like 40 times and it still makes me laugh
hahaha I just saw AVATAR yesterday
I did think the ponytail things had something to do with mating but..... well, that was interesting.
Never played the game myself, but still hilarious
I got an idea... what about an awesome video for Assassin's Creed 2? There's a video called "Awesome's Creed" already, (not yours, I know) But I would love to see you spoof the second game. please? =) I just want more awesome videos, spoof anything.
This is the reason I got the gameS
Now I'm a big fan lol (capital S was intentional because I love both games)
Awesome, as always
That fuckin' mole Resetti should have been included, sorry to ask but I could just see that with him popping out of that fucking hole in the ground followed by a
graphic drawing of a dirty, rabid mole. He annoys the shit out of me. I had Animal Crossing and I played it alot, then I lost it in a hotel room in california... last I remember I dropped the DS on the floor and the battery died, I got a lecture the next morning, got irritated, popped out the game, havent seen it since. That was like 3 years ago.
I had an obssession for this for sooooo long, I've gotten over it but even after watching like 80 times it still makes me laugh
Joined on 11/16/09